Bella Dodds
Executive Coach
I Am Calm & Confident
This meditation will help you to expand your inner peace, as well as deepen your ability to feel how this beautiful, valuable energy is inseparable from who you really are. Please find a comfortable position and close your eyes...All of life's demands can unwittingly...
Calming Meditation to Strengthen Your Immune System
Hello beautiful Souls, I wanted to support you and your loved ones during this health crisis. This short meditation will help to strengthen your immune system through calming down your mind and body. High stress levels puts strain on your immune system - so you want...
Dr. Aviva Romm’s 5 Root Causes of Cluster Symptoms: Anxious, Stubborn Weight, Fatigue, Digestive Problems, Brain Fog, Poor Sleep, Diabetes, Autoimmune Diseases, and Many More
In Video 1 you'll learn: The full list of Cluster Symtpoms to learn if you have 5 or more The 1st of the 5 Root Causes of the Western Cluster based on Dr. Aviva Romm's research Why the over-active survival stress response is linked to each of the Western Cluster...
Anxious or on edge during holiday gatherings?
Are you sensitive to the moods of people around you? Ever feel overwhelmed or anxious during the holidays navigating a room of full of different EMOTIONS? I am definitely sensitive to the energy around me, so to solve this problem...I developed a simple technique to...
How I Deepen Into Peace When a Loved One is in a Bad Mood
Ever WALK ON EGGSHELLS or feel tense when someone is in a bad mood? I use to get tense when someone around me was in a bad mood and I'd tip-toe trying to say the right thing to avoid an argument, but I grew tired of being so sensitive and giving my peace away to...
3 Minute Calming Meditation
Between work demands and home demands...life responsibilites can be overwhelming. That's why I created this 3 minute calming meditation for you. It will help you to feel more calm, centered and grounded in just a few minutes.
Self-Healing Conversations Q & A — How to Respond to Criticism
One woman's response to being criticized at work... Anna's Story Do you have a challenge or question you'd like to ask Bella? Fill in the form below and set up a time to chat. ⬇️ . Has your best thinking gotten you...
How To Stop Resisting Pain + Use Challenges To Support Your Highest Good
. We’ve all felt overwhelmed and wanted life to be easier, or wished that a challenging situation wasn’t happening—but the problem is when we put our energy into resisting what we don’t like—we drag the challenge out, increase our stress around it and often make the...
How To Calm Worst Case Scenario Fears
. Last week while I was up visiting my hometown a massive forest fire got ignited and my parents along with thousands of others were evacuated. As I was helping my folks decide what few items to save a massive plume of smoke grew above our heads as flames crested over...
Calming Overwhelm + The Need To Be In Control
. How are you holding up with the growing stress and uncertainty in the world? This week on the Overwhelm Series we are looking at our relationship with control—and how to come from our power, strength and calm inner wisdom during painful times. With the...