I Am Calm + Confident Meditation


This meditation will help you to expand your inner peace, as well as deepen your ability to feel how this beautiful, valuable energy is inseparable from who you really are. 


Please find a comfortable position and close your eyes…





All of life’s demands can unwittingly cause us to be so hard on ourselves.

I’ve been there and being overly hard on myself wasn’t effective for me—so instead of focusing all of my energy on the outer world I connected to the value and peace that existed within me at all times.

The more I connected to this inner peace throughout my day, the more I could feel the value and beauty of MY TRUE SELF—and what I know to be true is—MY WORTH can not be diminished by my outer world mistakes or temporary failures.

There is a beauty within me that has nothing to do with what people think of me or where I am falling short in life, and the more I connect to INNER-PEACE and WHO I REALLY AM the kinder I am to myself. And the kinder I am to myself, the more I embody my true value, authentic confidence and share my love with others.

In this 10 minute meditation you will learn how to calm your mind and body down so that you can begin to feel and connect to this beautiful, magnificent energy within you too.



Sending peace and calm your way,


Bella xo






We, Bella Dodds, LLC., have provided this meditation as a relaxation and de-stressing aid.  It does not constitute a replacement for medical or psychological treatment. Do not listen to this meditation while driving or operating heavy equipment.