Bella Dodds
Executive Coach
Why are emotions SO powerful?
You experience and feel your emotions in the present, but they are actually rooted in your PAST. The truth is emotions are so powerful because they have an accumulated lifetime of fuel behind them... Have you ever wondered why you can get so deeply frustrated, sad or...
Epigentics – Your DNA is not your Destiny Part 2
As we learned in Part 1 health and disease are not set in stone based solely on your heredity and DNA. You may be wondering - why is that again? 1) DNA is not self-activating, DNA is activated by signals picked up via the cell's environment. In this post we will go...
You don’t have to fear your genes – Part 1
Many individuals who have had family members pass away from cancer or other diseases, are in fear that their genes are predisposed to the same illness. This is a common belief still held by millions - even though it has been scientifically proven that DNA is...
What is Higher Mind Health?
Each of us has a higher and lower mind. The lower mind sees and registers something as a problem, it acts as a feedback system which tells us something is wrong. Yet the slippery territory of the lower mind, only focuses on the problem and puts great energy into being...