Primordial Sound Meditation


Awaken your inner healer…


Below are​ ​a list of health​ ​benefits you may experience practicing Primordial Sound Meditation:

  • Decreases over-activity in your amygdala (responsible for flight or flight)
  • Increases brain coherence and healthy function of the pre-frontal cortex (for calm, rational thinking)
  • Increases immune function
  • Decreases inflammation linked to many chronic, life-threatening diseases
  • Improves sleep quality
  • Reduces chronic and acute pain
  • Helps to foster new, healthy habits naturally
  • Increases self-awareness + inner peace
  • Increases your ability to focus
  • Increases access to higher levels of consciousness + unbounded awareness
  • Increases patience, compassion, healthy communication, self-worth + self-love
  • Recharges and reboots your energy without the need for caffeine
  • Creates a calm, clear, alert + restful inner-awareness
  • Supports the body with auto-immune diseases (Diabetes, MS)
  • Studies show PSM lengthens telomeres in your DNA linked to the biological life + health of your cells
  • Lower Blood Pressure
  • Decreases excessive worry and heavy sadness

How do I learn Primordial Sound?


3 Online Classes

First: Learn about Primordial Sound and the simple tools to help you​ have a successful practice

Second: Receive your personal mantra

Third: Learn about the higher states of consciousness​ and how you can also use these higher states to create more of what you want with less effort and more grace.


How much is it to learn Primordial Sound Meditation? 



Here are a few articles showing the scientific benefits of self-transcending meditation:​


​How Meditation Helps Your Brain Power and Slows Aging
Meditation Reduces Blood Pressure
Meditation Slows The Rate of Cellular Aging 
Meditation Reduces Chronic and Acute Pain


What others have said about self-transcending meditation:


“It’s the ultimate rest. It’s better than the best sleep you’ve ever had. It’s a quieting of the mind. It sharpens everything, especially your appreciation of your surroundings. It keeps life fresh.” – Hugh Jackman


“Meditation is about getting still enough to know the difference between the voice and the real you.” – Oprah


“Meditation is a lifelong gift. It’s something you can call on at any time.” – Paul McCartney


“I’m quite a neurotic thinker, quite an adrenalized person. But after meditation, I felt this beautiful serenity and selfless connection.” – Russell Brand


“It feels good. Kinda like when you have to shut your computer down, just sometimes when it goes crazy, you just shut it down and when you turn it on, it’s okay again. That’s what meditation is to me.” – Ellen Degeneres


“At the end of the day, I can end up just totally wacky, because I’ve made mountains out of molehills. With meditation, I can keep them as molehills.” – Ringo Starr


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    You are not a drop in the ocean.

    You are an entire ocean in a drop.

